Get Involved
Join a community service project hosted by people just like you who simply want to give back:
Sydel’s Little Library
When our founder’s mother, Sydel Wall, passed away she left a lasting legacy of love and literature behind. Her family built her first little free library in her honor outside her home in Coral Springs, Florida. Their mission is to build little free libraries around the world to spread her legacy and inspire the next generation of children to become the best versions of themselves through reading, sharing, and sparking their imagination.
Growing Gardens: Volunteer on the Farm
Growing Gardens has brought sustainable agriculture education and food donations to over 136,000 Boulder County residents. They host programs and volunteer opportunities to empower people of all ages, income levels, and abilities that reconnect them with their local food systems and teaching gardening, cooking, and nutrition education. Volunteer opportunities include gardening, farming, animal care, and more.
Community Greening: Transforming Urban Green Spaces
Community Greening, an urban forestry nonprofit, was founded by Delray Beach residents Mark Cassini and Matt Shipley. Since 2016, we have been successful planting more than 11,000 trees in parks, schoolyards, public green spaces, and neighborhoods in Palm Beach County. Our work is only possible because of volunteers like you! Learn about our volunteer opportunities:
I Think You’re Fucking Gorgeous
I Think You’re Fucking Gorgeous or ITYFG was the dream Xander Vlastos. At 15-years-old, he wanted to simply let people know that they are gorgeous inside or out- so he made a poster at summer camp where people could anaonymously write the name of someone they liked to bring a smile to their face. Today, Xander’s mission is to create that same feeling of knowing someone thinks you are gorgeous by handing them a card and then disappearing: A complement with nothing attached to it! Grab your cards and share a smile:
Poe’s Tavern Beach Clean
Poe’s Tavern in Sullivan Island, South Carolina, has turned beach cleanups into rewarding community events. Their mission is to clean their coastal beaches while providing a fun way to network, chat, and get to know the local community. Best of all, they teamed up with Blue Shark Vodka to host an after-party with
House of Blue Hope
House of Blue Hope extends the gift of education to vulnerable children in Tanzania. Their mission is to address education, poverty, and children's issues in East Africa through supporting residential facilities, schooling, and community outreach programs. Learn how you can support this terrific organization:
Tomorrow’s Rainbow
Tomorrow's Rainbow provides free grief support groups for children ages 3 years old through high school and their caregivers. They also offer Equine Assisted Psychotherapy for those struggling with an array of mental health challenges including trauma, PTSD, anxiety and depression. Learn about more this wonderful cause:
Dharma’s Garden
Through a productive half-acre garden in the heart of Boulder, Colorado, lively onsite markets, popular seasonal festivals, and diverse educational programs for adults and children of all ages, Dharma's Garden is a project of the community, by the community, and for the community. Learn about how to get involved and give back:
Project Archive
Find inspiration for your next service project by learning from these past events:
T’s Trashy Team Neighborhood Cleanups
When Tiana grew tired of seeing trash around her neighborhood, she took matters into her own hands (literally). Growing tired of cleaning the streets by herself, she instead organized a monthly neighborhood clean up with she provided bags, gloves, and supplies to everyone who participated. Best of all, Tiana partnered with a local brewery to provide discounted drinks to all who participated. Learn more about her mission to clean the streets:
The Florida Bar Young Lawyers Division Board of Governors launch the #StigmaFreeYLD initiative to help end the stigma over mental health and illness in the legal profession. Through this initiative, former President Christian George and Governors Natasha Dorsey and Ethan Wall executed an online multi-media campaign demonstrating that dealing with mental illness is not a weakness, but a sign of strength.
United We Handstand Yoga
Everyone deserves to feel safe, respected, and appreciated – regardless of who you love. Our friends and family in the LGBTQ community deserve a safe haven now, more than ever. Through United We Handstand, the Crossfit Vida community in Miami, Florida celebrated our diverse South Florida community with an uplifting yoga class taught followed by mimosas, brunch, and friendship. The event also supported Pridelines, a grassroots non-profit designed to support, educate, and empower South Florida’s LGBTQ youth and the community in safe and diverse environments through affirming programs and services to promote dialogue, wellness, and foster social change.
Pack the Pantry Canned Food Drive
Prior to Thanksgiving, Ethan Wall, Albert Gonzalez, and their friends at IAMCrossfit collected canned goods to support the Miami Rescue Mission’s Pack the Pantry Canned Food Drive. Their goal is to collect enough food to help feed nearly 220,000 meals to the hungry and homeless in our community. Learn how they setup donation boxes inside each of the IAMCrossfit boxes in Miami to challenged each location to a competition to collect:
Hope for the Holidays Toy Drive
The holiday season can be difficult for underprivileged children who don’t receive the same holiday cheer as others. That’s why superstar trademark attorney Jaime Vining and our founder Ethan Wall teamed up with Chapman Partnership to collect toys for children living in homeless shelters. Learn how Jaime, Ethan, Kris Osuna and the Crossvit Vida Community in Miami, brought a smile to the faces of children during the holidays:
Karaoke for a Kause
How can a group of friends raise money for charities in need? By singing karaoke, of course! Ethan and his friends at the Crossfit Vida community in Miami hosted karaoke nights at the Crossfit gym where all donations went to raise money for local charities. Learn how a handful of fitness enthusiants “Howled at the Moon” for a good cause: